Sea Lines…newsletter of Sea Lions Dive Center
April 25, 2008 630-289-1680
This weekend the open water season starts for
The blog also contains all past issues of the newsletter, information on tips and helpful tips. Let us know how you like the blog and we welcome contributions and suggestions
On June 7, 2008 Bonne Terre Mine is hosting a Treasure Hunt!!! You'll dive for chips and use those chips to bid on donated product. At the end of the day you'll be treated to a BBQ and an auction. WE HAVE $15,000 OF DONATED PRODUCTS TO GIVEAWAY!
June 8th Dive the Prince Wilhelm and the Car Ferry
What’s with the Advanced Class???
During the Advanced Dive Certification Course you will be introduced to five of the Specialty Courses offered by PADI and Sea Lions Dive Center. You will have a short classroom session at the dive center to learn about the dives you will be doing. To complete the course you will complete five dives with your instructor including a deep dive and a navigation dive. You will do three additional dives as selected by you and your instructor. These dives may include drysuit, peak performance buoyancy, wreck diving, search and recovery, underwater naturalist, night dive, propulsion vehicle, or others. You can also complete your Enriched Air course at the same time if you chose.
The June 6, 2008 Charter on the Len-Der in Milwaukee is filling up. The cost is $95 and must be paid to hold your reservation. We expect to dive the Car Ferry Milwaukee and the Prince Wilhelm. The Car Ferry was featured on the Under Sea Detectives TV show on Discovery channel and the Prince Wilhelm was rated by as one of the top ten wreck dives in the world by Scuba Diving Magazine.
We need help. If you went on a dive trip recently and can give us a report we would love to include it on our blog so other divers can use it to plan their trips. Please include at least the destination, hotel, dive operation, and a short description of the trip and particularly the diving. What you would do again and what you would do differently. If you prefer, call us and we will do the write up. PLEASE INCLUDE PICTURES.
If you wish to be removed from our mailing list please respond to this email with Unsubscribe in the subject line.
(c) Tom Robinson 2008

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