Sea Lines…newsletter of Sea Lions Dive Center
April 18, 2008 630-289-1680 email
Open pool tonight (Friday) and Monday at Taylor YMCA in Elgin . Reservations required! $10 for pool entry and any equipment you need. Try SCUBA for none divers with reservation.
First Open Water Checkout dives of the season will be April 26 and 27th at Haigh. Please sign up as soon as possible so we can arrange staff.
First Advance Class of the Season is May 17th and 18 at Haigh. Deep Dive, Navigation Dive, Search and Recovery, Peak Performance Buoyancy. Improve skills and confidence and have more fun.
Find out more about diving here in the Midwest on May 9th. Cris Kohl author of numerous book on the Great Lakes will talk about the wreck diving in our area.
On June 8th Sea Lions will be diving the wrecks off Milwaukee aboard the Len-Der. Cost of the two tank dive will be $95. We will be diving the Price Wilhelm. Watch for details future newsletters.
Trip Tip – if you are doing multiple dives on your dive trip make up a mix of ½ alcohol - medical not drinking - and ½ white vinegar. Place a few drops in your ear after each dive. Reduce your chance of diver’s ear and you will get in more dives.

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