SYRACUSE, N.Y. - Still enthralled, Debra Kurtz described how a 6-foot-long zebra shark, a predator that patrols the western Pacific and Indian oceans, swam around her head.
Then there was the playful 300-pound, green sea turtle, an endangered species from tropical waters, that kept trying to crawl underneath her as she knelt in the sand.
Her favorites, though, were the angelfish, which clustered around her to take sand showers, swimming through the grains of sand she let slip through her fingers.
Not bad for an hour's worth of scuba diving. The 44-year-old sales and marketing management consultant from Vernon Hills, Ill., was a guest diver at the National Aquarium in Baltimore while on a recent business trip. A growing number of aquariums across the country _ from Denver to Duluth, from Long Island to Tampa _ are opening their exhibit tanks to certified scuba divers.
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ever wonder how decompression sickness is
treated? How long do you have to sit in that chamber? Can you dive again? Click here to read more.
Saturday, November 15, 2008

While surfing the web, I came across this neat website all about sharks. It’s great. Follow the link here.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Orinskany Getting Deeper.
I found this article about the Orinskany which was sunk as an artificial reef. Apparently it has sunk deeper due to Hurricane Gustav. I provided a link to the original web page.
As Oriskany sinks further, divers risk going deeper
original article here
It was part of the reason the 47-year-old master scuba diver and his new bride wanted their wedding in Pensacola last weekend.
He'd made the dive before. He'd traveled through the top of the impressive sunken wreck. He'd seen the array of marine life.
But this time he was back to touch the infamous flight deck.
"A lot of my students want to know how deep I can go," Gaiser said. "There's no reason to go down there other than to say that I did it."
At 135 feet, the sunken aircraft carrier's flight deck was already five feet outside the recreational diving limit, but instructors said it was still relatively safe for tempted divers to make the touch.
"People just had to touch it," said Eilene Beard, Scuba Shack co-owner. "And we'd say, 'OK, bounce down there and touch it and get back up here so you don't use all your nitrogen.' "
But after Hurricane Gustav pushed through the Gulf of Mexico, the sunken ship shifted about 10 feet deeper.
To the untrained diver, 10 feet may seem insignificant, but instructors fear the drop could affect the appeal and safety of the local attraction.
"That extra 10 feet made a huge difference," said Jim Phillips, owner of MBT Divers on Barrancas Avenue. "What makes the aircraft carrier different than any other ship out there is that flight deck. And everyone wants to touch that flight deck. Now that it's at 145 feet, it's luring divers a significant amount past that 130 foot limit."
Pushing the limits
Without proper equipment and training, the added pressure of reaching that depth can be dangerous to divers.
"The farther you go down, the more you push your limits," said Beard, who also is chairwoman of the Escambia County Marine Advisory Committee.
Specific combinations of oxygen and nitrogen are mixed for different depths, Beard said, and exceeding the 130-foot mark can be very dangerous without preparation and training.
At farther depths, the body consumes more nitrogen, which can lead to nitrogen narcosis, a feeling of drunkenness and skewed judgment, or decompression sickness, where nitrogen bubbles can build up under the skin, tissues, joints and against the spinal column.
Deeper dives also reduce "bottom time" — the amount of time available to dive based on the amount of oxygen and nitrogen consumed.
Unfortunately for Gaiser, bad weather kept him from making the dive. Gaiser is a trained technical diver who is certified to dive to depths of 200 feet.
And so is his friend Gerry Mosconi, 48, who also traveled from New York and made the dive early Saturday.
While certified to dive outside of the recreational limit, Mosconi said he resisted touching the flight deck because he had not brought the proper equipment and was not willing to take the risk.
"There's that sort of people who take a car out and see how fast it will go," Mosconi said. "They're not trained for it. They can't handle it. Sometimes they get lucky and sometimes they don't."
Still drawing divers
A May 2007 report by the Haas Center measuring the Oriskany's impact on the local economy estimated that in Escambia County 37 new jobs were generated and $2 million in local output were generated.
Local shop owners feared that news of the famed sunken reef's shift might deter potential divers from visiting.
Beard said after Gustav, business tapered off. But she said lately she's been overwhelmed with phone calls from people inquiring about the Oriskany's condition.
"Now we have to re-educate people on it, but it's still a perfectly viable dive," Beard said.
Keith Wilkins, deputy director of Neighborhood and Community Service Bureau, said the Oriskany's shift has made it a safer dive, because now fewer divers will be tempted to reach the flight deck and will remain in shallower areas of the vessel.
"It might be a little less attractive, a little less of a tease," Wilkins said. "But inadvertently it's also a lot safer."
Diving instructors maintain the Oriskany's highlights are well above the flight deck, with the majority of marine life circling through the upper towers of the ship.
"I'd say if you have to touch that flight deck, then hang your spear gun off your foot and just tap it with that," Wilkins laughed. "Keep your head at 130 feet and you can still say, "Yeah, I tapped it."
Monday, November 3, 2008

Here is some really interesting facts here about our oceans. Impress all your friends of your knowledge. Read all about them here.
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Join us on a trip to the beautiful islands of Turks and Caicos the first week of March 2009. Eat, sleep, and dive on the Turks and Caicos Liveaboard. I should also mention that it is Humpback Whale season, so sightings are likely! Click here to find out more.

So, What exactly are Zebra Mussels? What are they and what do they want? Click here to find out all about them.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Advanced Open Water diver Course
The Advanced Open Water course consists of one night of class work and five open water dives. For more information CLICK HERE
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Review of ScubaPro Regulators
SCUBA Diving is Dangerous - Not - Well Maybe

CLICK HERE for a realistic discussion of the dangers and what you can tell your mother.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
My Favorite Warm Water Dives

Visitors to our dive shop often ask what are my favorite warm water dive destinations. CLICK HERE to see my favorite warm water destinations......
Or CLICK HERE to help select the Top Ten Warm Water SCUBA Destinations.
Wet Suits and Dry Suits for SCUBA Diving
Aquariums allowing Divers in Displays
I found this article about aquariums that allow divers in their tanks. I did this in Epcot a few years ago and while it was interesting it was not, in my opinion, as good as the real thing. Try it and decide for yourself.
Growing number of aquariums open tanks to divers
- By WILLIAM KATES |Associated Press Writer
- August 30, 2008
There are at least eight major aquariums that allow guest divers _ who are different from the corps of volunteer divers trained and used by many aquariums to help in feeding and tank maintenance _ said Steve Feldman, a spokesman for the Aquarium and Zoological Association, a Maryland-based accrediting group.
"Aquariums are doing this as a way to compete with other forms of entertainment for the consumer's shrinking dollars, as a way to foster marine education and as a way to help supplement their budgets with additional revenues," Feldman said.
"People want up-close experiences with wild animals," said Feldman, pointing to the popularity of petting and feeding programs at zoos and wildlife parks.
"The exposure is indescribable," said John Harman, owner of the Atlantic Edge dive shop. He helps run the four-year-old guest dive program at the National Aquarium, where divers like Kurtz spend 30 minutes in each the Atlantic Coral Reef and Wings in the Water tanks.
"In an hour of diving, you can get exposure that you wouldn't get in 20 years diving in natural environments. You never would see this many species at one time. The thrill is ... the animals are interactive. They are right there in your mask," said Harman.
Aquarium spokeswoman Jennifer Bloomer said the Baltimore program often is sold out two or three months in advance.
Many aquariums already offer snorkeling and swim-with-the-fish programs. Guest diving programs were first started at Disney's Living Seas exhibit at Epcot in Florida nearly two decades ago, but it wasn't until 2001 that the Florida Aquarium in Tampa became the first not-for profit aquarium to establish a program.
Others have followed in rapid succession as the programs have proven popular among divers, said Doug McNeese, executive director of Scuba Schools International, one of the four main scuba instruction and certification organizations.
At the Florida Aquarium, the guest diving program began as a weekend offering but has grown in popularity each year until last year when it was expanded to seven days a week, said Casey Coy, the aquarium's director of diving operations.
"I can guarantee what you are going to see," Coy said. "I can guarantee the conditions, the temperature of the water, the lack of current, the lack of surf, good visibility.
"What you might notice as an experienced diver is that the reef is fabricated. But it's still fun to watch the fish interact with the reef. They aren't able to discern that. They use it the same way they would use it if you were on a reef in the Keys. If you are looking for green morays, you look under the ledges, you look under the elkhorn coral," Coy said.
The guest divers also tend to attract a crowd when they are in the water, as aquarium visitors stop to watch them in the tanks, Coy said.
Guest diving also has proven "phenomenally" popular at the Downtown Aquarium in Denver, where nearly 4,000 people have participated in the program's first two years, said Scot Hulgan, the aquarium's general manager.
"We haven't even put a lot of marketing behind it yet ... word has just gotten round," said Hulgan.
Nearly all aquariums require participants to be scuba certified. One exception is the Atlantis Marine World Aquarium in Riverhead, N.Y., which started a shark-dive program last June open to anyone over age 12.
However, divers remain inside a cage at all times and wear a full face mask helmet, said Eileen Gerle, the aquarium's director of education. Although it is compressed air, the tank is attached to the cage rather than the diver's back. The full mask also contains a communications system that allows the diver to hear and talk to the dive master, she said.
"We wanted a program open to everyone, not just divers, but we also wanted an easy introduction so guests could get their feet wet diving and maybe decide to pursue it," she said.
Programs vary. Some aquariums allow divers to use some of their own equipment, others provide all or part, including a wetsuit. All include some type of educational session, mostly to help divers identify the fish they will see.
There have been no reported safety incidents involving divers but some scientists and animal welfare groups have questioned the stress placed on the fish and marine mammals.
"It's best to see these creatures in the ocean," said John McCosker, an ichthyologist and chairman of Aquatic Biology for the California Academy of Sciences who spent 22 years as director of the Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco.
"But the fish are already in an aquarium so I'm not sure how much of a negative impact there would be ... as long as it's done in a controlled, managed and responsible way," said McCosker.
A number of major aquariums _ the New York Aquarium, the New England Aquarium in Boston and the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago _ do not offer guest diving.
"It's a great moneymaker for aquariums, no question about it," said Dick Blankfein, the dive safety officer at the New York Aquarium. Blankfein said it places "undue stress on the animals."
"It also puts undue stress on me as a dive safety officer," he said, "because I have no idea the abilities of the people who would come in as guest divers."
Monday, September 1, 2008
You Know Your a Diver When
CLICK HERE to read eleven more ways to know your a diver or add you own.
Vote for Your Favorite Chicagoland Dive Site
Now it is your turn. GO HERE and tell us your favorite site or vote for ones proposed by others.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
What is Your Favorite Caribbean Dive Vacation

GO HERE and cast your vote. Tell us your favorite. Check back often to see other favorites. You might just find a new favorite.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Free Computer
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
August 22, 2008 Newsletter

Confused about dive computers? We prepared a short guide to the Uwatec computers that we carry that will help sort out the differences. Visit our blog for more information.
Thursday September 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM we will present TRIP NIGHT. We will show videos of our up coming trips and
Only one spot remains for the Nekton Cruise to St Croix August 8, 2009. We can reserve more spots but the cost will increase $300. Call to reserve your spot.
Thirteen divers joined us to explore the wreck of the Straits and Mackinaw and the Wells Burt. Visit our Trip Report to see all the pictures.
We will be holding our next Advanced Open Water class September 6 and 7. Call to sign up. None student can join us for the night dive.
Visit our Blog for Jaclyn Mandowske’s report on her three weeks on a live aboard. Jaclyn completed her open water class with us earlier this year.
Our next Lake Michigan Charter to
Do you have a spouse or friend who would like to learn to dive in warm water? Sign up for our Bahamas education package.
August 15 Newsletter
Mark your calendars: at 8 PM on September 4, 2008 we will have a presentation on our 2008/2009 Dive Trips. We will show videos on
If there is a trip you always wanted to do but did want to go alone let us know and we will try and put together a group trip.
Congratulations to our newest Open Water Divers Leslie Armstrong, Jeff Jensen, Suchi Patel, Surrender Sara, Andre Lareau, Mike Skonie, Jim and Jordan Habel, Donna and Dwight Priest, and Mike Wallenberg.
We have eight of our 5 spots on the Nekton trip to St. Croix committed. To get our special $600 off pricing you must reserve by close of business Monday. We can reserve additional; spots but it will be an additional $300 for the spots after ten. There is no reservation without a deposit.
Everyone who has been on our
Do not forget our Open Pool Monday August 18, 2008. You must sign up in advance. The cost is $10 per person and we will supply any equipment you need.
There will be a clean up dive at Burnham Harbor on September 20, 2008.
On October 2 through 5 we will return to dive North Carolina. Click here for details.
We are looking to do a special buy on 80 CF SCUBA Tanks in September. If we get ten buyers we can offer them for only $250. Call us or email us to reserve one. For a neat video on how a tank is made visit or Tank Site.
Look for a special offer in September to get a free Uwatec computer with your dive gear purchase.
We will hold a Digital Photography Specialty class on September 21, 24 and 28. Call the
Presidential/Scuba Trivia

According to this report the USS Orinsky that has become an artificial reef - the Great Carrier Reef - off Pensacola was the ship Presidential Candidate' plane launched on the flight where he was shot down and became a war prisoner.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Wells Burt
This wreck is shallow - about 40 feet - and has great historic detail. For more info on the Wells Burt CLICK HERE
For info on the Charter Click Here
Friday, August 22, 2008
Jaclyn goes to the Caribbean

After spending three weeks on a live aboard dive trip through the the Winward Islands I came back with these photos. My trip started in Grenada and from there we sailed up through St. Vincent and the Grenedines to St. Lucia all the while diving multiple dives a day. I lived with nine other teenagers on a 46-foot catamaran. It was definetly the best trip of my life. Every place we went to was more beautiful then the next and the diving was absolutly gorgeous. The program was through Broadreach and it takes teenagers on dive trips all around the world. I became a certified Rescue Diver in those three weeks and also recieved six specialties. There's no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't choose another trip like this and I completely recommend them. I fell in love with diving because of this and it is now something I will continue to do for the rest of my life.

Top Ten Gifts for Divers Under $100

Ok guys, here is an opportunity to not just get another tie for Christmas/Birthday whatever. We have prepared a list of gifts for divers under $50 dollars.
Have an item you want your family to know about? Let us share it.
Find our list HERE.
Post you suggest here... or there.
Prins Willem
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Learn to Dive at Sea Lions and in the Bahamas

Want to learn to dive? Want to visit the Bahamas? How about take the pool and classroom here with Sea Lions Dive Centrer then fly to Freeport Bahamas to do two days of checkout dives and one day of two tank boat diving.
Only $1,400 including books, DVD, equipments, air fare to Freeport, four nights at the Pelican Bay, two days of checkout dives, and one day two tank boat dive.
Classes start January 5, 2009
For more informations CLICK HERE or Email Us.
Dive Computers
For a more detailed discussion on dive computers please CLICK HERE.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Lake Michigan Charter Trip Report
For a complete report and pictures CLICK HERE
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Invasive Species in Lake Michigan
We all know about zebra mussels but there are other invasive species in Lake Michigan. This article for the Tribune discusses some of the species and the changes they are causing.
Underwater, a disturbing new world
A Tribune team follows researchers to the bottom of Lake Michigan as they try to explain the rapidly shifting ecosystem
By James Janega | Chicago Tribune reporter
July 30, 2008
But as the three researchers wearing scuba tanks and lead weights drop through the water, the landscape of rounded stones 30 feet below is disturbingly full of strange, new life.
In just a few years, the gravel and white boulders that for centuries covered the bottom of Lake Michigan between Chicago and the Door County, Wis., peninsula have disappeared under a carpet of mussels and primitive plant life.
The change is not merely cosmetic. In the last three years or so, scientists say, invasive species have upended the ecology of the lakes, shifting distribution of species and starving familiar fish of their usual food supply.
Signs of the shift have been hard to ignore. Mats of dead, smelly algae wash ashore on Lake Michigan from
Multiple strains of E. coli bacteria and botulism spores thrive in the new underwater garden, leading scientists to suspect they are contributing to beach closings and the widespread deaths of migratory birds. Meanwhile, fishermen notice the lake trout, salmon and whitefish are getting skinnier each season.
The rapid shift has researchers scrambling to understand what is happening and how widely the impact will be felt.
"The lake is changing faster than we can study it," said University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee researcher Harvey Bootsma, whose small team of researchers hunts explanations from this new lake bottom in weekly dives off the Wisconsin shore.
Adaptation possible
Some ecologists and fishery managers say the
"We don't necessarily know all the impacts, but we know enough to know that they are being catastrophic," said Cameron Davis, president of the
None of the key species leading the change—mussels, algae and round gobies—are new arrivals. The zebra mussel famously invaded
But in the last handful of years the quagga has taken off with alarming speed, exploding across the lake floor.
While zebra mussels like to attach themselves to rocks and man-made structures, the quaggas can colonize sandy bottoms deeper in the lakes. Between them, the species filter lake water ceaselessly, making it so crystal clear that light can penetrate far deeper than before.
That change has allowed a native species of algae called cladophora to run rampant. It now can grow in 30 feet of water, twice as deep as a decade ago, and its waving tendrils cover vast offshore areas.
Round gobies, an invasive fish species from the
Together, these species have not only altered the clarity of the water but also devoured and filtered out the nutrients that used to sustain plankton and shrimplike diporeia at the base of the lake's food chain, starving what larger fish are left.
To be sure, the
By the 1950s, the most important fish in the native food chain—lake trout, ciscoes and spiny sculpins—were nearly gone in the lower lakes and severely reduced in Lakes Michigan and Huron. Still, scientists say perch, salmon and the alewives on which they foraged formed a relatively stable ecosystem until the invasive mussels began devouring key microscopic nutrients.
"Now all the forage fish are way down in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron," said Henry Vanderploeg, a
It's possible fish will weather the changes. Fishermen have caught lake trout that had gobies in their stomachs, and smallmouth bass in
Saturday, August 16, 2008
How to Buy Dive Gear
Buying Dive Gear is confusing.
At Sea Lions Dive Center we want you to be as informed as you can be when you decide to make your purchase.
We have prepared a number of links to articles on how to choose various equipment and we have a special web page that may help. Those links are listed in the box in the upper left hand corner of this blog.
If we can do some further research to help you out let us know.
We understand you may not buy all your dive gear from Sea Lions but we want to be the Center of you Diving activity. Visit our sites and our Dive center and tell us what we can do to make your diving experience better.
You Know Your a Diver When
We all know you do things as a diver that a sane person would never consider. For our list visit our You Know your a Diver When website. Ad your contribution.
Try Scuba
If you are hooked on SCUBA diving (why else would you be reading our blog) and would like to share your passion with family, friends or coworkers, Sea Lions dive Center offers monthly Try SCUBA at the Elgin Taylor YMCA.
For information Click Here TRYSCUBA IN SUBURBAN
Certified Divers can also take advantage of our monthly open pool night to try out their equipment, work on skills or just have fun. Visit our website for times and dates.
Friday, August 15, 2008
High pressure tanks including SCUBA tanks must be visually inspected annually and must be hydro tested every five years. This is not a Sea Lions Dive Center requirement it is required by law. We had a customer in the dive shop recently who insisted we fill his tank without a current visual. When we refused he became quite vocal and said that we were trying to cheat him and began making other abusive and loud remarks regarding our prices. He said he could buy dive gear for half our prices at a local sporting goods store and on the Internet. We asked him to leave and his parting comment was “an informed customer is your worst enemy.”
In fact a “misinformed customer is our worst enemy.” We do our best to offer products and services at competitive prices. The sporting goods store – who has since discontinued selling dive gear – sold only low end regulators to customers only interested in price. They offered no expertise, no help selecting gear, no service and no airfills. We had a customer bring in one of these “bargain regulators.” The reg was in pieces and the sporting goods store could not even assemble the parts.
Regarding the Internet, dive store employees, including those of us at Sea Lions get very defensive when people talk about buying gear on the Internet. The internet sites skim the cream and offer the highest margin items at a discount but do not offer the lower margin items such as service and air fills.
We know you look at the Internet… so do we. Buying dive gear on the Internet is a crap shoot. Many times you will purchase the gear and it will work out for you. But when it goes bad it can go real bad. Many of the Internet sites are not authorized dealers. We sell Uwtech Computer in part because they we feel they have the best warrantee in the industry. If you buy Uwatech or ScubaPro on the Internet you do not get that warrantee no matter who you buy it from.
If you find that you would like to support our effort to offer local services but cannot resist the Internet please visit our dive gear site. You will find helpful articles on purchasing dive gear and you will also find links to Internet sites that sell dive gear. If you enter these sites through the link on our web page when you purchase we will receive a small commission but it will not increase your cost.
I apologize for the length of this rant but it is a sensitive and important issue.
For more information on the manufacture and maintenance of SCUBA tanks visit our SCUBA Tank Maintenance Website.
Fresh Water Fish Identification
For more information on Fresh Water Fish visit our Cold Water fish identification page.

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Lionfish in Atlantic
Original link

updated 4:55 p.m. CT, Wed., Aug. 13, 2008

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - A maroon-striped marauder with venomous spikes is rapidly multiplying in the Caribbean's warm waters and even off the East Coast — swallowing native species, stinging divers and generally wreaking havoc on an ecologically delicate region.
The red lionfish, a tropical native of the Indian and Pacific oceans that probably escaped from a Florida fish tank, is showing up everywhere — from the coasts of Cuba and Hispaniola to Little Cayman's pristine Bloody Bay Wall, one of the region's prime destinations for divers.
Wherever it appears, the adaptable predator corners fish and crustaceans up to half its size with its billowy fins and sucks them down in one violent gulp.
Research teams observed one lionfish eating 20 small fish in less than 30 minutes."This may very well become the most devastating marine invasion in history," said Mark Hixon, an Oregon State University marine ecology expert who compared lionfish to a plague of locusts. "There is probably no way to stop the invasion completely."
A white creature with maroon stripes, the red lionfish has the face of an alien and the ribbony look of something that survived a paper shredder — with poisonous spikes along its spine to ward off enemies.
Scale of invasion is unique
The invasion is similar to that of other aquarium escapees such as walking catfish and caulerpa, a fast-growing form of algae known as "killer seaweed" for its ability to crowd out native plants. The catfish are now common in South Florida, where they threaten smaller fish in wetlands and fish farms.
In Africa, the Nile Perch rendered more than 200 fish species extinct when it was introduced into Lake Victoria. The World Conservation Union calls it one of the 100 worst alien species invasions.
"Those kinds of things happen repeatedly in fresh water," Hixon said "But we've not seen such a large predatory invasion in the ocean before."
The lionfish so far has been concentrated in the Bahamas, where marine biologists are seeing it in every habitat: in shallow and deep reefs, off piers and beaches, and perhaps most worrisome, in mangrove thickets that are vital habitats for baby fish.
Some spots in the Bahamian archipelago between New Providence and the Berry Islands are reporting a tenfold increase in lionfish just during the last year.
Northern Caribbean islands have sounded the alarm, encouraging fishermen to capture lionfish and divers to report them for eradication.The invasion would be "devastating" to fisheries and recreational diving if it reached Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, according to Eugenio Pineiro-Soler of the Caribbean Fishery Management Council.
"I think at the best they will have a huge impact on reef fish, and at the worst will result in the disappearance of most reef fish," said Bruce Purdy, a veteran dive operator who has helped the marine conservation group REEF with expeditions tracking the invasion.
Purdy said he has been stung several times while rounding up lionfish — once badly."It was so painful, it made me want to cut my own hand off," he said.
Researchers believe lionfish were introduced into the Atlantic in 1992, when Hurricane Andrew shattered a private aquarium and six of them spilled into Miami's Biscayne Bay, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Biologists think the fish released floating sacs of eggs that rode the Gulf Stream north along the U.S. coast, leading to colonization of deep reefs off North Carolina and Bermuda. Lionfish have even been spotted as far north as Rhode Island in summer months, NOAA said.They are not aggressive toward humans, and their sting is not fatal. There are no estimates so far of tourists who have been stung. But marine officials say swimmers will be more at risk as the venomous species overtakes tropical waters along popular Caribbean beaches.
The slow-moving fish, which measures about 18 inches, is easy to snare, though lionfish swim too deep for divers to catch in nets — a common method of dealing with invasive species.
Looking for lionfish predator
So researchers are scrambling to figure out what will eat the menacing beauties in their new Caribbean home, experimenting with predators such as sharks, moray eels — and even humans.
Adventurous eaters describe the taste of lionfish fillets as resembling halibut. But so far, they are a tough sell. Hungry sharks typically veer abruptly when researchers try to hand-feed them a lionfish.
"We have gotten (sharks) to successfully eat a lionfish, but it has been a lot of work. Most of our attempts with the moray eel have been unsuccessful," said Andy Dehart of the National Aquarium in Washington, who is working with REEF in the Bahamas.
One predator that will eat lionfish is grouper, which are rare in the lionfish's natural Southeast-Asian habitat. Scientists are pinning long-range hopes on the establishment of new ocean reserves to protect grouper and other lionfish predators from overfishing.
Hixon said there is some evidence that lionfish have not invaded reefs of the fully protected Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park, a 176-square-mile reserve southeast of Nassau. But unprotected locations in the vast archipelago are more vulnerable.
Containing the spread of the lionfish is an uphill fight. As lionfish colonize more territory in the Caribbean, they feed on grazing fish that keep seaweed from overwhelming coral reefs already buffeted by climate change, pollution and other environmental pressures.
Dehart said: "If we start losing these smaller reef fish as food to the lionfish ... we could be in a whirlwind for bad things coming to the reef ecosystem."
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Alyssa Wells
by Alyssa Wells
Published August 12, 2008 - 12:00 AM
Most people don’t expect to have any scuba diving experience in
“If you’re diving and you want to see fish you have to go to the tropics,” says Cris Kohl, author of eleven books on the
Our lakes boast shipwrecks galore, from smaller tugboats to schooners resting less than one hundred feet below the surface, a treat for adventurous divers willing to tolerate the cold. Although the water temperature is a deterrent for many potential and seasoned divers, it prevents the deterioration of the sunken boats, products of the
“There are shipwrecks in the Great Lakes that are almost entirely intact to the point that you can stick your hand into the cargo hold and come up with grain if they were shipping corn or flour,” said Peggy Kurpinski, owner of Adventures in Diving in
Despite the many locations to obtain scuba diving certification in the region, most new divers postpone their first dive until they can travel to more tropical climates. However, regional dive shop owners think that the lakes are vastly underrated and new divers often miss out on the opportunity to explore the shipwrecks, remnants of history frozen in time.
“It’s eerie to see something that you’re not supposed to see underwater and strange seeing something so out of context,” said Ralph Naruscewicz, an owner of D.D. Dive Shop in Glenview. “But it’s nice because you swim in some of the ships where you have big openings so you get to see into the compartments. That’s pretty unique.”
Kurpinski said local instructors enjoy taking new divers onto the wrecks because of the sense of wonderment that the divers feel when they realize there is an entire hidden world below the surface of the lake.
“I have newly certified people go out and do a dive and they don’t think they’re going to see anything,” he said. “But they see the wreck, they see the artifact, they get back on the boat, and you can’t stop them from talking for the next half an hour because it is the most thrilling experience. And it’s awesome.”
The lure of scuba diving is the thrill, going to the last place on the planet that hasn’t been thoroughly explored.
“Shipwreck divers like the drama, the history, the exploration of a different world,” says Kohl, whose books include Shipwreck Tales of the
Divers interested in the history of the vessels have been known to take souvenirs with them. While each state bordering the lakes made it illegal to remove things from the wrecks, it’s hard for many to pass up the opportunity. Kurpinski has a collection of bottles that would make antique stores jealous, including a Coca-Cola bottle that is over one hundred years old.
“I have two halves of a plate that was being shipped to Marshall Fields,” says Lee Skinner, an avid diver from
Skinner and his wife Nancy have been diving for 26 years, traveling to dive sights across the globe like
“It’s so peaceful,” she said. “I find diving extremely relaxing and restful. When you go diving and you jump in the water for the first time it’s like going home. It’s so beautiful there.”
Monday, August 11, 2008
Open Water Class August 2 & 3, 2008
Newsletter August 7, 2008
On August 10 we will have a fun dive and picnic at Haig Quarry. Bret Byers will do a short intro to Cavern Diving techniques presentation.
Sea Lions will be going to Gilboa Quarry in Ohio August 23 and 24. The cost of the trip is $60 plus transportation. You can drive yourself or join us in the van and share the cost of fuel. We will be holding an Advanced Open Water course for anyone interested.
Brett will teach a full Cavern Class in October with dives in Rubidoux Spring in Missouri. This involves a day at the quarry and a weekend in Missouri. Look for details on our blog and newsletter shortly. The Classroom will be held at the dive center on October 10, 2008. There will be a lake session on October 12 and the cavern dives will be November 7 through 9. To enroll you must be at least 18 years old and you will need a seven foot hose on your primary second stage regulator, two lights a primary that can be used with a reel and a back up. The cost is $195 plus the cost of hotel in Missouri. Sign up early.

The $600 discount is only good until August 18, 2003 when the price will go up. Book now! There are only ten spots at this price.
There will be a clean up dive at Burnham Harbor on September 20, 2008. Divers will clean up the harbor and be treated to lunch and a Tee shirt. Click Here for Details.
Sea Lions will return to the wreck diving in North Carolina September 31 through October 5, 2008. We will do three days of three tank diving – two Nitrox and one on air each day. Cost for diving, hotel, breakfast and lunch each day is $980. Transportation is available.
Over Thanksgiving weekend we will again visit Key Largo. Call for details.
Links St Croix
Review of ScubaPro Regulators
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Lady Elgin

Descendant of Lady Elgin victims dives to wreck site in
Posted: Aug. 9, 2008
All around him, as he fought to stay afloat in a turbulent
The Stockbridge,
Last week, Sharon Cook thought of her relatives’ last moments as she swam down to the wreck of the Lady Elgin, which now lies in several pieces a few miles off the shore of this northern
“The notion of swimming over where my relatives might have walked is exciting,” said Sharon Cook, 56, who lives in Bay View.
All shipwrecks have stories — of those who lived, of those who died, of heroism, of blame.
But perhaps more than most of the hundreds of ships that lie in the underwater graveyard of the
“I would call it the Titanic of the
Though it sank more than half a century before the Titanic, the Lady Elgin has been linked with the more famous ship because it, too, suffered a tremendous loss of life. There was no passenger manifest, so the exact number of victims is not known, though contemporary accounts estimate the number on board at 600 to 700. A mass grave in
Many on board were Milwaukeeans, mostly from the city’s Third Ward Irish community. They had chartered the vessel for the trip to
The Lady Elgin will be featured in an exhibit of Titanic artifacts at the
“We were brainstorming ideas because virtually every museum that’s had the Titanic had some local angle,” said Carter Lupton, vice president of museum programs, aboard a dive boat shortly after exploring the Lady Elgin.
Lupton said the
Civil War politics
Lupton, Sharon Cook and others pulled on wet suits, fins, masks and air tanks to swim down to the bow section where two large iron anchors landed on the sandy bottom, entwined in front of long sections of the wooden hull. The windlass, which would have pulled up the anchors, ended up next to the planks, not far from a portion of the hull that looks like a skeleton with ribs sticking up in the green water.
The shipwreck was discovered in 1989 by Harry Zych, who was awarded ownership a decade later after a long legal battle.
Aside from the number of deaths, the Lady Elgin is significant in maritime history because of its role in Civil War politics.
“The interesting thing about the Lady Elgin is it happened in September 1860, when a lot of the precursor events to the Civil War were unfolding,” said Baillod, president of the Wisconsin Underwater Archaeological Association.
In 1860 many Wisconsinites were against slavery and Gov. Alexander Randall, a staunch abolitionist, talked actively about seceding from the
That prompted state officials to disarm the Union Guard and revoke the commission of the unit’s commander. However, the Irish Union Guard refused to disband and instead chartered the Lady Elgin for a cruise to
A personal connection
Sharon Cook, a member of the
The Cook family was returning to
Before she jumped into
Then the Lady Elgin was struck by the schooner
Jacob Cook and his family made their way to the deck.
“Mother and sister kissed me and said we would all be lost. I told them to have courage and we would all be saved. I tried to encourage them all I could. I got two planks and showed them how to use them. In ten minutes after we got on top of the boat, it went down. O! my God I shall never forget it! Wen it went down I jumped on some little boards. They were not able to hold me up. I went down. Wen I came up I got hold of something and got on to it.
“It was so dark and we could not see — only when there came a flash of lightning. I hollered as soon as I could for them to hold on until I could get to them, but I got no answers. Only people around me struggling to death in the waves. O! them death screams! Nobody knows what it was except those that were there. O! Lord deliver me from another such time. I seen no more of my dear mother and sister.”
Sharon Cook learned to scuba dive so she could see the wreck of the Lady Elgin, which now lies in several sections spread out across a mile in 50 feet of water.
“Where it really hit me was when I went to see ‘Titanic,’ and the last scene with them bobbing in the cold water,” said Cook, who is program director for